Keeping you safe
Your health and safety are our number one priority. Our office is a proud member of the “Back On The Wave” campaign to promote awareness and guarantee our commitment to the safe re-opening of our business.
Added measures that our office is committed to, include:
- Face masks are required by all staff and patients in our office. Children under the age of 5 are exempt.
- Sanitizing all high-touch areas (door handles, doorbell, counter tops, light switches, reception area chairs and furniture, etc..) after each patient.
- Sanitizing the treatment room tables and chairs after every patient.
- Running an air purifier with a triple filter and UV-C light during all patient visits.
- We conduct a Pre-visit wellness questionnaire prior to every visit.
- Temperature checks at the door
- We request all patients to sanitize their hands upon entry from our touchless sanitizer dispenser.
- Payment processing: Our credit card terminal and pen are sanitized after every use. Payments with cash are put through a quarantine process of 1-week, minimally.
- If you are feeling unwell or have had recent contact with someone who is ill, we will gladly reschedule your appointment for another date and time.